This website focuses on a time frame in the future known as the ‘End of Days’, as prophesied in the Bible.
Two major end-time events are about to happen – namely the Rapture, followed by the Tribulation.
These events herald the soon return of Jesus Christ.
Jesus said: “You heard me say, ‘I am going away and I am coming back to you . . . I have told you now before it happens, so that when it does happen you will believe.” (John 14:28 & 29)
May you be forewarned through the materials and links found on this site of what is to come – and get to know Jesus today – or be helped afterwards if you find yourself left behind.

Where did we GO?
If you’re reading this now, then I, among millions of other Christians, have disappeared without a trace.
Where did we GO?
If you’re reading this now, then I, among millions of other Christians, have disappeared without a trace.


کجا رفتیم؟
اکنون که این این نامه را میخوانید، من نیز همانند میلیونها مسیحی دیگر از میان شما رفتهام، بدون آنکه اثری از من باقی مانده باشد.
کجا رفتیم؟
کجا رفتیم؟
اکنون که این این نامه را میخوانید، من نیز همانند میلیونها مسیحی دیگر از میان شما رفتهام، بدون آنکه اثری از من باقی مانده باشد.
اکنون که این این نامه را میخوانید، من نیز همانند میلیونها مسیحی دیگر از میان شما رفتهام، بدون آنکه اثری از من باقی مانده باشد.

Where did we Go?
If you’re reading this now, then I, among millions of other Christians, have disappeared without a trace.
Where did we Go?
If you’re reading this now, then I, among millions of other Christians, have disappeared without a trace.
Дорогой Друг, Если ты читаешь это письмо, значит я вместе с миллионами других христиан бесследно исчезла. Я пишу это письмо с
Lieber Freund, liebe Freundin, Wenn du dies liest, bin ich zusammen mit Millionen anderer Christen spurlos verschwunden. Ich schreibe diesen Brief,
Drogi Przyjacielu, Jeśli czytasz to teraz, to ja, wraz z milionami innych chrześcijan, zniknęłam bez śladu. Piszę ten list z nadzieją
The Rapture signifies the coming end of the world (End-Times).
The “Whats?”, the “Whys?”, the “Hows?” and the “Huh?” will be addressed in this booklet.
But first . . .
Is your child missing? If so, take a moment and breathe. When you’re ready, please read on . . .
The RAPTURE: What Is It?
The Rapture is an imminent end-time event ("eschatological" event) when Jesus Christ returns for His Church who " shall be caught up together…in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air" (1 Thess. 4:16-17). This is the time of the resurrection, where each Christian receives his or her resurrected/eternal body.
The Tribulation is a seven-year period that precedes the Second Coming of Christ. The first 3.5 years of the Tribulation will have a mixture of peace, cooperation and trouble, but the second 3.5 years will be a time of war and catastrophe.
ANTICHRIST: Who or What?!
(1 John 2:18) A man will arise from small beginnings/obscurity at the start of the Tribulation who will achieve victory after victory both in politics and in war (Rev. 13:1-8). This man, who should be easily identified by his rapid rise and popularity, is the anti-Christ. He will confirm a 7-Year Peace Treaty with Israel at the start of the Tribulation.